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CaSA network is started up…

Quelques membres du réseau

The launching workshop of CaSa Network, Carbon Soils for Sustainable Agriculture in Africa, was held at the Hotel Panorama, Antananarivo, Madagascar from 20 to 23 January 2014.

The launching ceremony was organized by the Laboratory of Radioisotopes - University of Antananarivo under the coordination of Mrs Tantely Razafimbelo with a strong support from UMR Eco & Sols. The ceremony was opened by Mrs Lilia RABEHARISOA, Director of the LRI and closed by Vincent BARON, Co-advisor of cooperation and Cultural action of the French Embassy.

The meeting was carried out in three stages. There were two and a half days of meetings between network members with the presence of the expert-referents and the secretary of the AIRD, one afternoon of public presentation that is followed by a debate and one day field trip.

Discussions on the preparation of the workshop spectro in 2014, the draft White Paper carbon, but also the sharing of tasks took place on Tuesday, the 21rt of january. Issues of  communication such as the sharing of informations, CaSA website and other media of communication were discussed on the morning of Wednesday, January 22. The afternoon was the subject of a seminar relating to soil carbon,  a session particularly dedicated to students and researchers. The workshop was splendidly ended with an educational outing and tourism around Antananarivo.

Many participants were present at the workshop launch. Many members of the network, civil society, researchers, students and others were there.

The workshop was a total success.  One can retain that the majority of the participants emphasized their satisfaction throughout the workshop. They expressed their gratitude toward the organizing committee and PARRAF, the organisation which finances the network aiming for a better consideration of carbon in the development of sustainable agriculture across Africa.