Research projects
The project DSCATT addresses three interrelated scales of fields, farms or territories and operates at four study sites in Sub-Saharan Africa and in Mediterranean region of France. The project proposes to explore the potential for sequestering C in cultivated soils, taking into account the sustainability of agricultural practices in the context of global changes. The project aims to identify and examine the interactions between biophysical and socio-economic factors through temporal and spatial scales for more details.
The CIRCASA project (Coordination of International Research Cooperation on soil CArbon Sequestration in Agriculture) aims to strengthen the coordination and synergies in European and global research on SOC sequestration in agricultural soils, leading to an improved understanding and scientific basis to target ambitious practices required to preserve and enhance SOC. Click here for more information.
SOCA Project (Beyond climate, Soil Carbon sequestration to sustain tropical family farming) aims to better understand the mechanisms of soil carbon sequestration in tropical farming systems and to improve family farming practices. This project is led by Lydie Lardy (UMR Eco&Sols - Montpellier SupAgro/CIRAD/INRA/IRD) Click here for more information.
Le LMI IESOL (Laboratoire Mixte International : Intensification Ecologique des sols cultivés en Afrique de l'Ouest) is a scientific platform which aims to better understand the ecological functioning of the soil ecosystem, to contribute to the development of new agricultural practices Click here for more information.
EAI SERVIPALM project aims to evaluate the production of ecosystem services, the soil carbon storage and nutrient cycling in one village under oil palm agroforestry systems in South Benin, Click here for more information.