TropiC Farm Tool

Tropic Farm Tool is a tool developed in Excel to calculate the carbon footprint of farms or a specific agricultural activity. This tool is adapted for tropical environments like Madagascar.
Tropic Farm Tool was created in order to be suitable for farm level application but may also be adapted to a larger scale by aggregating activity data. Tropic Farm Tool is composed of 6 Excel sheets corresponding to “farm description”, “agriculture”, “livestock”, “forestry”, “energy consumption” and “results” in a way that users can visualize directly GHG emission and removal for each section of the farm and for the whole farming system.
Tropic Farm Tool considers all direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions and all greenhouse gas sequestrations in carbon sinks like soil and woody biomass. The three main greenhouse gas encountered in agriculture such as CO2, CH4 and N2O are considered and converted in CO2 equivalents. The tool provide carbon footprint expressed in annual net balance (tCO2equivalent / year), in surface unit (tCO2equivalent /ha/year) and in terms of production (tCO2equivalent / ton / year). Carbon footprint value is positive for greenhouse gas emitting farms while negative for sequestering farms.
For more information, please contact :
Dr Rakotovao Narindra :