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Food security and climate change : Farmers in northern Togo take action


A film (6 min 30 sec) by the Research and Development Institut (IRD), the French Global Environment Facility (FFEM), Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (AVSF) and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). Directed by L Markiw and J Fumtim, Scientific advisors: M. Bernoux, T. Chevallier, K. Roesch.

n Togo, non-government organizations, farmers and professional associations are joining forces to introduce new farming practices to combat climate change and maintain food security in rural areas. The French Global Environment Facility is funding a development project managed by the French charity, Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (AVSF), and RAFIA, a non-government organization which provides research facilities, support and training for self-development. The project brings together French and Togolese research institutes (IRD and ITRA) and farmers. This film shows the collaboration between research institutes, non-government organizations and the local population through life in a rural community and a farmers’ association.