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Analysis and optimization of the data available from the various members of the CASA network.

- Make common data meta-analysis: The network projects, from the recovery of old data and recent data collected and available at the members of the network researchers, to a meta-analysis of these data to edit manual on methodologies and best practices for obtaining the C stocks and sequestration rates. This manual covers the analytical techniques, data acquisition, the use of old data, and spatial modeling. This manual will be highly useful for the acquisition of new data.

- Write a summary publication on carbon sequestration practices: a synthesis exercise will be conducted on available data practices, traditional or recently promoted by different actors in society, such as biochar, the rate of carbon sequestration , but also yield variations. It is indeed essential in front of a carbon footprint can be compared the potential impact on the feeder (or the value of production). This analysis will be conducted in the form of a report, and then synthesized in the form of a scientific paper (meta-analysis) in a magazine with a large circulation and preferably open access (open access) such as "Environmental Research Letter" (