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Casa network objectives encompass those set out of sustainable development : 

- N°2 : “Contribute to food security, improved nutrition and promoting  sustainable agricultural intensification
- N°12 « Promote sustainable consumption and production patterns»
- N°13 «Take urgent action to address climate change and its impacts
- N°15 “Protect and sustainable use terrestrial ecosystems, tackle with desertification, stop and reverse land degradation process and put on end biodiversity loss”
- N°17 « Develop partnerships for all objectives achievement»

CaSA Network scientific objectives are:

  • to quantify the soil’s capacity in carbon storage in developing methods and tools adapted to the carbon markets and payment schemes for ecosystem services;
  • to  understand, quantify and model the storage and sequestration of carbon in soils;
  • to quantify and identify trade-offs between mitigation, adaptation, maintenance of biodiversity, food security and other ecosystem services.
  • establish a scientific think-tank on the management of the Carbon’s soil for a sustainable agriculture in Africa;
  • develop a network of African experts on issues of global changes and their impacts on agriculture and sustainable development;
  • share knowledge through  training (teaching at different levels : Bachelor's degree, master’s degree , Graduate Schools), mobility and student exchange within the network.


The disciplines are as follows :

 Soil Sciences, Agronomy, Ecology, Metrology, then through PSIP Seq2c Eco-physiology, Economics, Geography