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Profil de Pauline Viviane MANDAH

Pauline Viviane MANDAH's picture
First name: Pauline Viviane
Reference to members: Chercheur
Country: Cameroun
Member since: 1 year 3 months

- 2004-2005 : G.B.P.S Penka–Michel (West region), Common Entrance and First School Leaving Certificate

- 2008-2009 : S.M.C.C Santa (North-West region), Ordinary Level Certificate in Sciences

- 2010-2011 : G.B.H.S Santa (North-west region), Advanced Level Certificate in Sciences (Geology)

- 2013-2014 : University of Dschang (West region), Bachelor’s degree in earth sciences (Geology)

- 2014-2015 : University of Dschang (West region), Master’s I degree in earth sciences (Geology)

- 2016-2017: University of Dschang (West region), Master II degree in soil science (pedology), with thesis defense

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